DPA2024 Category Sponsor TNA

This award highly commends the practical application of preservation tools to protect at-risk digital objects. The prize in this category consists of a trophy to be retained by the recipient, certificates for participating individuals, and a cash prize of £1000 payable to the lead nominee’s organization.

Meet the finalists

Arquivo.pt catalog of tools for digital preservation

DPA2024 Finalists Legacy Arquivo

Nominee: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

Information that rules modern-day lives is born-digital and disseminated online. However, invaluable digital objects published online have been continuously lost.Arquivo.pt is a public infrastructure which supports the preservation of digital objects published online to safeguard this digital legacy for future generations. Thus, in October 2023 after 15 years of research and development, Arquivo.pt released a Catalog of 13 innovative tools to support the preservation of at-risk online content, from acquisition to dissemination (e.g. search and access, APIs, training, open data sets, exhibitions). Arquivo.pt safeguards online digital objects of worldwide interest for research and education.

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DDLD – living archive

DPA2024 Finalist Legacy DDLD 3

Nominee: Defensores de la Democracia (DDLD)

DDLD – living archive is the first and only repository preserving and cataloguing the work produced by killed journalists in Mexico. Over 163 reporters have been killed in Mexico since 2000. However, their work is largely unknown and faces the risk of disappearing, either because it was published in websites that lost their domain with the death of their founders or because their content was taken down from social media. Through the DDLD – living archive, over 19,000 published news pieces from 83 journalists killed in Mexico between 2000 and 2023 have been preserved.

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Digital Pasifik - Preserving stories, knowledge and tāonga

DPA2024 FInalist Legacy Digital Pasifik 1

Nominee: Matirini Ngari and Ulu Afaese

Digital Pasifik is an online portal providing an easy single access point to digitised Pacific cultural heritage items held in different museums, galleries, and library collections around the world. The platform connects diverse and dispersed people with their distributed treasures and cultural materials in a way that had not previously existed. Digital Pasifik serves as a bridge between institutions, which often hold and preserve these items and records, and the people of the Pacific - empowering people in and of the Pacific Islands by enabling them to see, discover and explore items of digitised cultural heritage that are held in collections around the world.

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National Digital Newspaper Library of Mexico: preservation of digital heritage

DPA2024 Finalist Legacy HNDM 1

Nominee: National Newspaper Library of Mexico / Coordination of Innovation and Digital Strategy – Institute of Bibliographic Research - National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

The National Digital Newspaper Library of Mexico (HNDM) is a virtual repository of historical periodical publications aimed at promoting and facilitating the preservation and dissemination of the country's digital newspaper heritage. It is the largest virtual repository of images of newspapers and magazines printed in Mexico between 1722 and 2023, with nearly nine million digital pages. Initially, the HNDM focused on digitizing microfilms and printed documents, and providing access through a web platform. In 2019, the project to implement digital preservation in the HNDM began, which included the adoption of standards, the creation of regulatory frameworks, the development and application of software tools, and the enhancement of staff capabilities. The implementation of digital preservation in the HNDM represented a significant advancement in protecting the digital heritage safeguarded by the National Newspaper Library of Mexico (HNM) and the incorporation of a new paradigm for managing its digital collections.

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