
DPC Partnership and Sustainability Program

Added on 15 July 2020

The DPC is deepening its commitment to help members in a time of crisis.

From 1st August 2020, the DPC is launching a new support program in anticipation of the economic pressures that members are likely to face from the global COVID-19 pandemic.

As we have moved through the phases of COVID-19 pandemic, the DPC has responded swiftly and thoughtfully at each step: closing our offices before the lockdown began, moving all our operations online, launching a wealth of new resources, and opening up a new series of activities for members and partners around the Globe.  We have delivered – and in many ways exceeded - the commitment that we made that our members would leave the lockdown better connected and better skilled.  The DPC community is much greater than the sum of its parts, and members contribute much more than money to the cause.

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5 facts about digital heritage on portable media

Added on 2 July 2020

Almost all heritage institutions have them: CDs, DVDs and floppy discs bearing digital heritage. Unfortunately, at about 40% of the Dutch heritage institutions this material is in danger of being lost, according to a recently published study by the Dutch Digital Heritage Network (DDHN). That is … if no action is taken now.

"The information on these CDs and other so-called physical carriers belongs to collections and should therefore be permanently accessible," says Niels Komen, project leader of the DDHN project Endangered Digital Heritage on Portable Media. This spring, his project group conducted research among 150 Dutch heritage institutions.

Niels: "We saw that many heritage institutions don’t really know what to do with floppy disks, CD-ROMs or a hard disk. Sometimes because there is no equipment available to read them, sometimes because the carrier has been damaged over the years. But if action is not taken in time, in many cases the content of the carrier will be lost forever."

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Monash University joins the Digital Preservation Coalition

Added on 12 June 2020

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to welcome Monash University, as they join the Coalition as Associate Member.

With its four campuses in Melbourne Australia, and others around the world in Indonesia and Malaysia, Monash University is looking to create a university-wide digital preservation strategy. Incorporating guidelines for storage and management, the University aims to create a robust digital preservation ecosystem that includes the library’s digital collections, research data and outputs, permanent university records and the university’s other cultural collections. 

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Georgia Institute of Technology Library becomes the latest member of the Digital Preservation Coalition

Added on 11 May 2020

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to welcome the Library of the Georgia Institute of Technology - Georgia Tech, as they become the Coalition’s latest associate member. 

Based in Atlanta, Georgia Tech is a public research university committed to developing leaders who advance technology and improve the human condition. In support of the university, the mission of the Georgia Tech Library is to define “excellence in the creation, preservation, curation, and connection of scholarship.”

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AVP becomes DPC’s newest Supporter

Added on 8 May 2020

AVP 1The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to welcome data management consulting and software company AVP to its Supporter Program this month.

AVP offers a full range of digital preservation services and products of relevance to the DPC community, including: assessments and audits; system selection, implementation, and customisation; custom software development and software products such as Fixity and Exactly.

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COVID-19: The duty to document does not cease in a crisis, it becomes more essential

Added on 4 May 2020

[French and Spanish versions follow]

We, the signatories of this statement, call on governments, businesses, and research institutions around the world to document their decisions and transactions now and for the future. 

Building on the UNESCO communique ‘Turning the threat of COVID-19 into an opportunity for greater support to documentary heritage’ and reinforcing the call that decision-makers in the public and private sectors recognise the value of records management and archives, the statement has three calls to action: 

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Novice to Know-How: New online digital preservation training

Added on 4 May 2020

Today the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) and the UK National Archives celebrates the release of the Novice to Know-How online digital preservation training pathway with an online launch event. As part of The National Archives' ‘Plugged In Powered Up’ strategy, the free online training provides learners with the skills and confidence required to preserve the born-digital records held by their organisation.

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DPC releases digital preservation policy toolkit for members

Added on 30 April 2020

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has released a new resource designed to assist its members in the construction of a digital preservation policy.

Exclusively for DPC Member institutions and developed with a team from the University of Bristol, the Digital Preservation Policy Toolkit guides users from initial research and preparation phases, through to drafting a policy, gathering feedback and communicating the finished policy. 

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National and State Libraries Australia (NSLA) joins the Digital Preservation Coalition

Added on 23 April 2020

NSLALogo horizontalThe Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to welcome National and State Libraries Australia (NSLA) this week, as they become the Coalition’s newest Full Member.

As the body representing Australia’s national, state and territory libraries, NSLA has had a collaborative digital preservation focus since 2011. Maintaining an active group of digital preservation practitioners representing each of its nine member libraries, NSLA engages in collaborative project work on matters of mutual concern and provides support to its members as a professional development network.

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Shaping Digital Preservation Coalition Australasia

Added on 23 April 2020

Following the launch of the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) office in Melbourne, members in Australia meet today as the DPC Australasia Stakeholder Group for the first time.

The Stakeholder Group has been constituted to ensure that members in Australia, New Zealand and surrounding areas inform the development of the local program and can direct the DPC’s activities to meet their own particular needs. 

Providing a forum where members in Australasia can articulate their needs, the Stakeholder Group will guide and oversee activities relating to the Coalition’s core objectives in the region, reporting to the DPC’s Executive Board and ensuring that the DPC remains true to its values and mission.

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