Added on 22 January 2024

Would you like to help shape a new edition of an important, free digital preservation resource? If so, please read on!

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is currently undertaking a project, funded by the Welsh Government Culture Division, to scope requirements for developing a new, revised 3rd Edition of the Digital Preservation Handbook (the Handbook).

The project involves a consultation to help identify community wishes and needs for the new Handbook. As part of this consultation, we are circulating a Community Needs Survey to gather a broad range of feedback on the current 2nd Edition and guidance on what you would like from the new edition. The survey data is also being complemented by a series of focus groups to gather in-depth feedback.

We invite anyone who has an interest in digital preservation to respond to the survey; both those who have used previous editions of the Handbook and those who might be interested in using the new edition in the future.

Click here to access the Community Needs Survey.

The survey should take 10-15 minutes to complete and will be open until 12:00 UTC on 16th February 2024. A full preview of the questions included is available.

Many thanks for helping us ensure the new Handbook meets the needs of the community!


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