Added on 8 September 2022

Vignette QueenFollowing the death of Queen Elizabeth, the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) - on behalf of the international digital preservation community - offers its sincere condolences to the Royal Family and those affected by her loss. With a reign of more than 70 years, the Queen has been a constant and steady presence for people around the World and this sad news is undoubtedly unsettling for many in our community.

The death of a monarch is associated with numerous signs and rituals that speak of continuity. These rituals signal and confirm that resilience and continuity are naturally accompanied by change. Change requires a commitment to learning; and learning requires openness to others.

Therefore, with deep respect to our community’s commitment to learning and to each other, represented not only in the many efforts of colleagues and friends around the world but also witnessed through moments of the life of Queen Elizabeth, we maintain our invitation to join us at the International Conference on Digital Preservation here in Glasgow next week. In doing so we recognize and celebrate the industry, generosity, and creativity of our international community.

We will invite colleagues present among us to join a moment of pause, reflection and remembrance of the Queen at this moment of profound change. We do not anticipate any material impact on arrangements for the conference and will communicate early and clearly any that are likely to affect delegates.

May Queen Elizabeth rest in peace.

(image courtesy of The House of Windsor


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