6 June 2018 | 16:00 BST/CET Online Webinar

Future-proofing your digital preservation now with Arkivum

With so many priorities and demands on peoples' time, we understand how easy it is to let your digital preservation and data safeguarding requirements slip down the to-do list. Until there is a problem, that is, and you lose that all important digital asset. We've all been there, and the frustration after the event of not taking action sooner is unbearable.

Dr Matthew Addis and Paula Keogh from Arkivum talk about why it's important to act now and provide support on how to pull together a compelling business case that your stakeholders can't say no to. Arkivum real-life users talk about how they achieved this, and why it was important for them to take action when they did.

Matthew and Paula close the session identifying challenges and trends they see emerging in the next five years in an open discussion with members in attendance.

Members and Supporters please login to watch recording

Supplementary Information

  1. 'Producing a Business Case for Digital Preservation' eBook

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