The accumulated body of data, information, and knowledge created in the course of an individual organization's existence or throughout the course of history.

What are the Risks of not preserving digital materials?

Organization Type Risk Potential Consequences

All organizations

Technologies used become obsolete; this may apply to elements such as hardware, software and file formats.

  • Unable to provide access to digital objects
  • Required to maintain expensive legacy systems
  • Disruption of business/organisation’s functions
  • Unable to provide audit trails
  • Unable to meet legal/regulatory requirements

All organizations

The bits and bytes making up the digital information degrade over time.

  • Data loss/corruption
  • Unable to meet legal/regulatory requirements

All organizations

Insufficient contextual information (metadata) to understand the information and for it to be useful.

  • Unable to provide access to digital objects
  • Disruption of business/organization’s functions
  • Unable to meet legal/regulatory requirements

All organizations

Lack of supporting legislation to facilitate preservation, particularly relating to copyright/IPR, privacy and legal deposit.

  • Unable to carry out necessary preservation actions
  • Data loss
  • Unable to provide access to digital objects
  • Unable to meet legal/regulatory requirements

All organizations

Rate of data creation outstrips capacity for storage, processing and preservation.

  • Important digital objects are not captured within the preservation system
  • Data loss/corruption

All organizations

Insufficient staffing/skills to be able to carry out successful preservation.

  • Unable to carry out necessary preservation actions
  • Data loss
  • Unable to provide access to digital objects
  • Unable to meet legal/regulatory requirements


Executive level support for digital preservation is not persistent

  • Unable to establish a sustainable, fit for purpose digital preservation programme
  • Data loss/corruption
  • Unable to provide access to digital objects
  • Unable to meet legal/regulatory requirements


Failure to engage with stakeholders at all stages of the record life-cycle

  • Lack of support for digital preservation work
  • System/procedures do not support user needs
  • Do not capture necessary documentation
  • Unable to provide access to digital objects in a useable format


Loss of corporate memory

  • Unable to rely on past evidence to inform current decision-making
  • Insufficient resources to support branding and marketing

Higher Education and Research

Unable to fully capture and represent current events for future generations

  • Incomplete historical record
  • Future research flawed/unreliable/biased


Storage conditions are inadequate for preservation

  • Data loss/corruption
  • Disruption of organisation’s functions
  • Confidence loss
  • Damage to reputation


Preservation not carried out in a timely manner

  • Data loss/corruption
  • Unable to provide access to digital objects
  • Loss of context/documentation
  • Costly interventions require to restore access


No active programme/processes aimed at acquiring digital objects/collections

  • Data generated by the cultural and creative industries will be lost or inaccessible
  • Failure to protect the living national record
  • Primary sources for future research cannot be found, interpreted or re-used
  • Failure to meet organisational goals
  • Loss of reputation
  • Loss of funding


Organisation does not move important digital/digitized objects into a preservation system

  • Data loss/corruption
  • Unable to provide access to digital objects
  • Loss of context/documentation
  • Loss of reputation
  • Loss of funding


Do not adequately consider the preservation needs of complex digital objects, including new publication formats

  • Data generated by the cultural and creative industries will be lost or inaccessible
  • Loss of context/documentation
  • Loss of reputation
  • Loss of funding

Museums and Galleries

Digital objects/collections are not captured in a suitable preservation system

  • Digital objects are unusable and un-displayable
  • Loss of context/documentation
  • Loss of reputation
  • Loss of funding

Museums and Galleries

Absence of appropriately skilled and invested people responsible for digital preservation

  • Incorrect/inadequate preservation
  • Preservation does not occur
  • Loss of ability to access/render digital objects
  • Loss of context/documentation
  • Loss of reputation
  • Loss of funding

Museums and Galleries

Absence of a documented workflow for the creation/acquisition and then maintenance of digital files

  • Incorrect/inadequate preservation
  • Preservation does not occur
  • Loss of ability to access/render digital objects
  • Loss of context/documentation
  • Loss of reputation
  • Loss of funding

What Opportunities do preserved digital materials create? 

Organization Type

Digital Preservation can…

All organizations

demonstrate a commitment to transparency and accountability by sustaining an accurate digital record

All organizations

transmit opportunities to future generations by ensuring the right data is available to the right people at the right time in the right format, for as long as necessary


make available a dynamic, powerful information asset which represents an accurate social and cultural record


inspire brand evolution through an understanding of corporate history enabled by access to a complete set of reliable records


inform business initiatives today through an understanding of previous decisions and rationale enabled by access to a complete set of reliable records


add value and create opportunities for the business by leveraging corporate memory as an asset

Higher Education and Research

demonstrate, to funders, a commitment to the sustainability of their investment and the cultural record

Higher Education and Research

provide opportunities for the reuse of historical research data for purposes not originally anticipated

Higher Education and Research

make the right information is available at the right time, by using the most appropriate service

Higher Education and Research

inform and educate the public by enabling access to diverse digital data and records

Higher Education and Research

demonstrate, to the public purse, a commitment to maintaining the sustainability of the cultural record

Higher Education and Research

inspire the trust and understanding of future users, by providing a complete digital record


help retain the archival and historical value of rich and diverse collections, ensuring they continue to be accessible for the long-term


demonstrate a commitment to delivering on a public mandate, for present and future generations


maintain access to strategically important assets


help ensure that cultural and creative data, including the outputs of industry remains accessible, reusable and understandable


create greater scope for innovation and reuse by using cultural and creative data at scale


maintain access to digital outputs of cultural and creative industries which are essential for innovation, research, development


transmit opportunities to future generations by ensuring the right cultural and creative data is available to the right people at the right time in the right format, for as long as necessary

Museums and Galleries

demonstrate the fulfilment of a legal obligation to display and therefore preserve collection objects in perpetuity

MMuseums and Galleries

maintain the cultural and monetary value of the collection, by sustaining access to it

Museums and Galleries

help visitors to gain a deeper understanding of our cultural heritage creating new learning experiences with existing data

Museums and Galleries

reach new audiences by creating new learning experiences with existing data

Museums and Galleries

ensure the collection remains relevant and accessible to generations to come by creating digital copies

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