The model is designed to be relatively quick and easy to use for any organization charged with preserving digital information for the long term. Some institutions have applied this model in less than 1 hour. For others it may take longer, particularly if wider consultation with a range of colleagues is required or if multiple streams of digital content are being assessed.

Note that though establishing where your organization is using DPC RAM may be a relatively quick process,  it may take longer to consider where you would like to be and to plan actions for moving forward.

“DPC RAM seems straightforward, offers stepwise improvements and covers a broader range of capabilities, not just technical ones. I think that teams with limited resources can be put off undertaking an assessment because they don’t feel they have sufficient time to read through the guidance, understand the model and then carry out a detailed assessment, so they never get round to it. The DPC RAM is much less daunting to complete so I think staff would be encouraged to try it out.”

Alison Spence, Research Information Administrator, University of Glasgow

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