Added on 7 July 2023

MHNSW PrimaryLockup RGB BlueThe Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to welcome Museums of History New South Wales (MHNSW), as they become the Coalition’s newest Associate Member. MHNSW collects, manages, and preserves one of Australia’s most valuable and diverse holdings of heritage and history. This includes the State Archives Collection; a portfolio of 11 significant historic buildings and sites; and museum, library and archival collections related to the significant buildings and sites.

MHNSW enables enjoyment of and access to the collection, and promotes knowledge and appreciation of history while sharing the stories that shape the social, historical, political and cultural identity of Australia. 

Chair of the DPC Board, Juan Bicarregui welcomed MHNSW to the Coalition, saying: “We are very pleased that Museums of History NSW has chosen to join our growing international community. The challenges that MHNSW faces in its work are familiar to the many DPC members in museums and archives: so the insight and experience which MHNSW brings will be very relevant too.”

The DPC is an international charitable foundation which supports digital preservation, helping its members around the world to deliver resilient long-term access to digital content and services through community engagement, targeted advocacy work, training and workforce development, capacity building, good practice and standards, and through good management and governance. Its vision is a secure digital legacy.

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