Elizabeth Hughes

Last updated on 24 August 2023

Elizabeth Hughes is Digital Preservation Lead for the Digital Archive Team at Queensland State Archives

Queensland State Archives has used the Bit List internally, in a very practical way, to help us organise our digital preservation work, prioritising legacy physical media and file formats for extraction and ingest.

As a team we examined the various media and file formats we had awaiting ingest and matched these against the entries on the Bit List. Alongside other criteria such as our staff capability, the availability of hardware and software, access status of the records etc, we assigned a higher priority to the more endangered file type or carrier and these were prepared for ingest first.

This helped us organise our work more meaningfully and turned what felt like a mountain of work into manageable chunks.  

 Join the Queensland State Archives team for 'Just keep the bits! A workshop about risk management and digital preservation' in Brisbane on 14th September


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