verapdf-logo-200The veraPDF consortium will deliver a definitive validator for PDF/A: an authoritative corpus of test files establishing the objective frame of reference for validation of all parts and conformance levels of PDF/A, an open¬source, and a purpose¬built validator and policy checker to implement the collecting policies of memory institutions. We expect a vibrant community will develop to sustain these efforts.

The veraPDF consortium brings together a unique network of stakeholders with complementary perspectives from existing collaborative efforts in the PDF industry (through the PDF Association and its association with the respective ISO committees), small and large memory institutions (through the Open Preservation Foundation and Digital Preservation Coalition), and commercial software service providers (Dual Lab and KEEP SOLUTIONS).

Over time, veraPDF will dramatically reduce costs associated with ingesting, quality¬controlling, and managing PDF documents through normalization of the preservation¬ready capabilities of PDF document creating and editing suites worldwide.

Visit the veraPDF website for more information.

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