
Blog Topics

DPC Members and Supporters are encouraged to share their experiences on the DPC blog on any topic of interest to them...however, there are some specific topics we are actively seeking blog posts on.

The list below has been inspired by DPC RAM, our Rapid Assessment Model and relates to some of the examples mentioned in specific sections of the model. When tackling a specific area of digital preservation it is incredibly helpful for practitioners to see how others have approached the challenge and this is why case studies are so helpful.

We would like to encourage you to blog about your own experiences of moving forward with these areas and we hope to be able to use your posts to expand on the 'case studies' section of our (forthcoming) RAM resource. If you would like to blog on one of these topics please contact Ellie O'Leary.

Happy blogging!

Section of RAM
Specific topic/case study

A - Organizational viability

  • Establishing a stakeholder group

  • How you have shared knowledge about digital preservation across your organization, how you tackled the action-oriented mindset, how they engaged with senior champion

  • Securing funding for digital preservation

  • Using the DPC's Competency Audit Toolkit to highlight skills gaps and move forward with addressing those gaps

  • Advocating for digital preservation with colleagues

  • Succession planning - formulating a plan for what will happen to your digital content if your organization ceases to exist?

  • Planning and reporting - using reports on digital preservation activities to inform management and forward planning

C - Legal basis

  • How to move forward with this section

  • Creating/updating templates for necessary legal agreements relating to digital preservation

  • Ensuring all metadata and documentation relating to key legal rights and responsibilities have been identified and are easy to access

  • Working with legal, procurement, contract management or information compliance specialists - how to build that relationship and work effectively towards shared goals

  • Accessibility of digital content - how to ensure accessibility responsibilities are fulfilled in line with local or national requirements and legislation

D - IT capabilities

E - Continuous improvement

  • Developing a digital preservation roadmap

  • Using DPC RAM to assess current level, set goals, develop a forward plan and monitor progress

G - Acquisition, transfer and ingest  

  • Appraisal of digital collections (particularly where parts of the process are automated or carried out at scale)

  • Automating workflows

  • Engaging with donors/depositors and record creators

  • Re-appraisal of digital content over time

  • Integrating digital preservation tools

H - Bitstream preservation

  • Defining, documenting, and enforcing authorizations to access content for staff

  • Testing effectiveness of backups, replication, and integrity checking

  • Predicting future storage needs and monitoring storage capacity

I - Content preservation

  • Inputting into creation or capture workflows to ensure content is high quality and can be preserved?

  • Capturing and documenting technical dependencies

  • Implementing PREMIS (or alternate ways of recording what, why, who, how, when content is changed)

  • Quality control after preservation actions are taken

  • Version control of digital content and metadata

J - Metadata management

  • Creating a digital asset register that works for you

  • Establishing and implementing minimum descriptive metadata standards

  • Applying metadata standards

  • How metadata supports and enhances the re-use experience for users

  • How metadata standards support a managed exit strategy from a digital preservation system

  • Digital asset registers and importance of making metadata work

  • Implementing PREMIS

K - Discovery and access

  • Implementing full text search

  • Improving web accessibility

  • Testing exit strategy (mass extraction of all content)

  • Providing different options to users - access to migrated, emulated, visualized content

  • Supporting users with access to digital content

  • Providing digital content in accessible formats

  • Collecting information about discovery and access and using that to improve the user experience

  • Using technology to restrict access to certain content for certain reasons

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ينشر تحالف الحفظ الرقمي نشرة اكتتابه 2019-

يسرُّ تحالف الحفظ الرقمي (الدي بي سي) أن ينشر برنامج أنشطته الجديد للعام المقبل. وتحتوي النشرة خططا شاملة لإعادة المنشورات والحلقات الدراسية الشبكية والأيام الإعلامية التي يشرف عليها المختصون القادمة، فضلا عن أنشطة وموارد أخرى جديدة تتسم بالإثارة وتركز على مجموعة من المواضيع ذات الأولوية في مجال الحفظ الرقمي.

وتستجيب الأنشطة التي حددها الأعضاء خلال مشاورة "وصل الوحدات" التي أجراها الدي بي سي مؤخرا إلى مسائل واقعية وراهنة عاشتها جماعة الحفظ الرقمي العالمية، وتبني القدرات والمهارات من أجل التعامل مع التحديات الناشئة بشكل إيجابي وفعال. وقد صدر البرنامج الجديد في سياق استراتيجية الدي بي سي الدولية ويرمي إلى أن يكون متاحا لأعضاء الدي بي سي وجماعته الموسعة، بغض النظر عن موقعهم الجغرافي.

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La Coalition de préservation numérique publie son prospectus 2019-2020

La DPC ou « Digital Preservation Coalition » (Coalition de préservation numérique) a le plaisir de partager avec vous son nouveau programme d'activités pour l'année à venir. Le prospectus contient des informations complètes sur les publications, webinaires et journées d'information spécialisées que nous vous proposons à nouveau cette année. Il inclut également de nouvelles activités et ressources passionnantes axées sur une gamme de thèmes prioritaires favorisés par le secteur de la préservation numérique.

Identifiées par les membres lors de la dernière consultation en ligne de la DPC, « Connecting the Bits », les activées répondent aux enjeux actuels et réels auxquels fait face la communauté mondiale de préservation numérique. Ces activités ont pour but de renforcer les aptitudes et les compétences afin de répondre favorablement et efficacement aux nouveaux défis. Publié dans le cadre de la stratégie internationale de la DPC, le nouveau programme vise à être accessible aux membres de la DPC et à l'ensemble de la communauté, quelle que soit leur situation géographique.

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La Coalición para la Conservación Digital publica su programa para 2019-2020

La Coalición para la Conservación Digital (DPC) tiene el enorme placer de hacer público su nuevo programa de actividades para el año entrante. El programa se compone de exhaustivos planes para la realización de publicaciones periódicas, seminarios web, jornadas informativas especializadas, así como otras interesantes actividades y recursos dedicados a una serie de temas prioritarios del ámbito de la conservación digital.

Las actividades han sido identificadas por los propios miembros de la DPC mediante una encuesta llevada a cabo por Internet, y responden a las cuestiones reales que está experimentando en la actualidad la comunidad de la conservación digital, con el fin de crear la capacidad y las destrezas necesarias para responder de forma positiva y efectiva a los desafíos emergentes. El nuevo programa se publica en el contexto de la estrategia internacional de la DPC y con el objetivo de resultar accesible tanto a los miembros de la DPC como a la comunidad de la conservación en general, independientemente de su situación geográfica.

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Digital Preservation Coalition veröffentlicht Prospekt für 2019/2020

Die Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) veröffentlicht ihren Prospekt mit dem Programm für das kommende Jahr. Der Prospekt enthält Informationen über geplante Publikationen, Webinare, Orientierungstagungen und neue Aktivitäten sowie Ressourcen zu diversen Schwerpunktthemen rund um die digitale Bewahrung.

Grundlage des Programms bilden die bei einer Online-Mitgliederbefragung unter dem Titel „Connecting the Bits“ identifizierten Anliegen der globalen, mit der digitalen Bewahrung befassten Gemeinschaft. Das Programm soll bei der Entwicklung der Kompetenzen und Kapazitäten helfen, die zur Bewältigung der neuen Herausforderungen benötigt werden. Es ist Teil der internationalen Strategie der DPC und wird deren Mitgliedern und der breiteren Gemeinschaft weltweit angeboten.

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Job Advertisements on the DPC Website

The advertisement of job vacancies relevant to the digital preservation community is available to all DPC Members and DPC Commercial Supporters free of charge.

Advertisements may be placed on the DPC website by non-members for a fee. 


No charge              DPC Members and DPC Supporters

£170 plus VAT       Non-members (Non-profit/charity organizations)

£270 plus VAT       Non-members

Submitting an advertisement

Your job advertisement should comprise the following information:

  • A title, e.g.: ‘Vacancy for Digital Archivist at [insert organization name]’

  • Closing date

  • Job location

  • Title of job post

  • Salary information

  • Term e.g.: Full-Time, Part-Time, Fixed-Term

  • Brief job description/person specification

  • Further contact details and/or application form link (if required)

Adverts will appear in the news section of the DPC website and will be added to a weekly DPC-Digest email bulletin which is circulated to members on a Friday afternoon. Adverts appearing in the news section of the DPC website will be tweeted by the @dpc_chat twitter account.

For more information and to submit an advertisement for a job vacancy, please email eleanor [dot] oleary [at] dpconline [dot] org.


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Privacy Policy

Date of last revision: 23/02/2018

Version number: 1.0

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is responsible for how personal data is processed and for what purposes (we are known in legal terms as the ‘data controller’). Personal data is data that could be used to identify a living individual.

The table below summarises the personal data we collect and why.

When is it collected?

What is collected?

Why is it needed?

Who is collecting it?

Will it be shared with a third party?

How long is it kept it for?

When someone registers for the website

name, email, place of work, comments

To enable us to complete the registration process



While the user remains registered on the website

When someone registers for an event

name, email, place of work, access and dietary information

To enable us to complete the event registration process and for future events planning



No longer than 2 years after the event for which the individual registered

When you comment on an article or blog

name, email (optional)

To enable us to moderate comments left on site



While the article remains published on the website

If we would like to use your personal data for a new purpose, we will always seek your prior consent and will update this notice accordingly.

We take protection of your personal data seriously and employ data encryption in transit (using HTTPS protocol) and encryption at rest on the disk drives where your data is stored.

In addition, we use cookies (small text files stored on your device) to provide functionality and analytics capabilities on the website. 

You can refer to the official help documentation of your browser provider for information on how to change cookie preferences.

Where personal data is stored

All personal data held will be stored and processed by DPC staff in the United Kingdom.

Sharing your personal data

Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and will only be shared with third parties with your consent, or if there is a legal obligation for us to disclose the information.

Your rights and your personal data

From May 2018 the GDPR provides you with rights in respect of your personal data. These include:

  • The right to request a copy of your personal data which we hold about you
  • The right to ask us to correct personal data that is wrong or out of date
  • The right to request your personal data is erased
  • The right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data
  • The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office

Contact details

If you should have a query, or wish to exercise your rights or make a complaint in relation to your personal data, please contact us.

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How to blog

Members are invited to use the DPC blog to post about any aspect of the digital preservation activities. If you’ve not blogged before, or need a reminder, here’s a step by step guide to blogging on the DPC website:

1. Customise your profile

If you are reading these instructions you should already have a website login and profile. Please make sure you add a profile picture to your account, so that this shows up in the author details on the blog. You can do this by clicking on the ‘Welcome back, NAME’ link in the top menu bar:

Blogging 1

And then selecting ‘Update your profile.’

Blogging 2

Select the ‘portrait’ tab, and then browse to upload a profile picture.

Blogging 3

2. Login and navigate to Blog

Use your username and password to login to the website and navigate through to the ‘Blog’ section.

Blogging 4

As a logged in user, you will see the option to ‘Add a Blog’ in the menu on the left-hand side, as shown below:

Blogging 5

3. Creating a blog

'Add a blog’ will take you to this screen where you will be able to add your own content:

Blogging no6

When completing the fields shown above:

  • Title: this is a mandatory field
  • Alias: this will auto-complete based on your title
  • Text field: We advise that blog posts are between 500 – 800 words (although the field is not limited). If copying and pasting content into the text field, this should automatically adopt the destination formatting, but if not, highlight all text within the field and select the correct formatting style from the drop downs in the panel above. Remove formatting by highlighting text and selecting the following icon from the panel:

Blogging no7

  • Links: Create links by highlighting the text you would like to make your link and clicking the ‘chain’ icon in the panel above. This will provide the option to link to a URL.

Blogging 8

  • Read more: Insert a ‘Read More’ break in your published text after the first or second paragraph by clicking ‘Read More’ from the set of green buttons below the text field. This limits the text shown in the complete blog roll to those paragraphs before the break, and keeps it neat and tidy.

 Blogging 9

  • Images: Add an image by clicking ‘Image’ from the set of green buttons below the text field, and browsing to your chosen file and resizing to fit appropriately within the blog.

Blogging 10

  • Publishing tab: Please type or select a number of tags based on the content of your article to aid searching. Leave access as ‘Public’ unless your blog contains content you would rather only share with other members.

Once you have created your blog, click ‘Save’ to send this to the DPC administrator and your blog will be published!

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Handbook 404

Oops - well this is embarrassing

Sorry, but the content you requested could not be found. You could try:

1. You could try going to to the Digital Preservation Handbook Contents Page and navigating from there,

2. You could try to recover the page from the First Edition of the Handbook provided by the UK Web Archive.

if these don't work then you could drop us a line to tell us about the problem. Send us an email to info at dpconline dot org listing the URL you are trying to connect to and the topic of the content that is missing. Be sure to mention that it was the result of a 404 Error.


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There's something up:

Sorry, but the content you requested could not be found. Here are three things you could try:

1. You could try using the search box above,

2. You could try going to to the DPC Home Page and navigating from there,

3. You could try to recover the page from the DPC instance in the UK Web Archive,

if these don't work then you could drop us a line to tell us about the problem. Send us an email to support at dpconline dot org listing the URL you are trying to connect to and the topic of the content that is missing. Be sure to mention that it was the result of a 404 Error.


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