
“Scientific research in the 21st century is more data intensive and collaborative then in the past” (Tenopir et al., 2011, p.1). The scale of generated data in data intensive research fields represents great scientific opportunities, but also great challenges (CODATA, 2013, p.8,). 3D representations of crystal microstructures is an innovative and quickly developing sub-discipline of Material Science. Scientists working with the method are faced by management challenges accompanying increased data volumes and cross-institutional collaborations. The pace of software and tool developments presents a particular challenge to long term preservation, and standardisation efforts emerging from within the community are still tentative. This paper examines current data management practices used by scientists employing the method within the Systems, Power and Energy division of the School of Engineering at the University of Glasgow. Using the Research Activity Information Development (RAID) mapping tool, instances of good practice and challenging areas are identified and a number of recommendations are proposed. The potential and appropriateness of sharing research data is explored drawing on Borgman‟s (2012) well know article “The Conundrum of Sharing Research Data”. The paper further highlights emerging standardisation efforts and ponders their potential impact on the Community of Practice.

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