Added on 9 November 2016

DPC is delighted to invite members to the 14th Annual General Meeting of the DPC which will be held at 16:15 on Tuesday 29th November 2016 in the Livery Room of the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists' Hall, 39a Bartholomew Close, London, EC1A 7JN. The meeting is expected to end at approximately 17:00. Tea and coffee will be available from 16:00. The AGM will be chaired by Laura Mitchell, Chair of the Digital Preservation Coalition.

The Agenda is included below and the full papers are available in the members’ area of the DPC website:


  1. Welcome

  2. Introduction and formal notice of meeting

  3. Apologies

  4. Minutes of the Thirteenth AGM, held on Monday 30th November 2015, Oxford (DPCAGM16B)

  5. 2015-6 Annual Report of the DPC (William Kilbride – Verbal Report)

  6. The 2015-6 Annual Accounts of the DPC (Jackie Senior) (DPCAGM16C)

  7. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair of the DPC

  8. Special Resolution: It is proposed that Article 8.1 of the Articles of Association be amended to read: ‘Until otherwise determined by a General meeting, the number of directors shall not be less than 2 nor more than 30.’

  9. Any Other Business

  10. 1700 (approx.) Close

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